When your child is with you, you control how their day goes, from meals and naps to play dates and TV shows. This can empower many parents, especially those with Type A personalities.
When someone else is watching your child, it’s easy to wonder what occupies your child’s time. Are they learning? Getting physical activity? Making friends? Eating nutritious meals?
Here’s what your child experiences at Children’s Academy to ease your worry or curiosity.
Physical Activities
At Children’s Academy, we know how important it is for your child to exercise. Gross motor development is key for a well-rounded life. Exercise can help overweight children resume an ideal weight, plus exercise releases endorphins, so your child is in a better mood when you pick them up. Physical exertion helps them sleep well at night.
We love to include gross motor activities at Children’s Academy! As much as possible, we let children play outside on our playground, where they can explore nature and challenge their physical capabilities. If the weather excludes outdoor playtime, our teachers can adapt the classroom to accommodate the physical activity.
Meal Time
Many parents want nutritious meals for their children. At Children’s Academy, we care about the nutritional value of the meals and snacks we serve!
We offer a variety of balanced meals following standard nutritional recommendations. Please speak with the director for accommodations if your child has any dietary restrictions or allergies.
Quiet Time
While we provide physical activities, we know everyone needs some downtime! Some children naturally lean into individual or quiet play. Other children seem to have non-stop energy, but they need downtime just as much as introverted peers.
Our classrooms offer a quiet area for reading or resting. In younger classrooms, cots are provided for nap time. Older children may color, draw, or craft during quiet time.

Children’s Academy Childcare and Preschool is proud to offer an outstanding curriculum that is educational, fun, and prepares your child for kindergarten per state educational standards.
If you’re looking to give your child a head start in school, contact Children’s Academy Childcare and Preschool today!
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