If you’re having trouble choosing a childcare option, you’re in good company! It can be hard to weigh factors like location, schedule, availability, and cost. Many quality childcare options in the Dixie Highway area meet this criterion, but let’s look at how daycare and home childcare compare.
Location: Daycare vs. Home Childcare
Everyone has different preferences for an ideal childcare location. For instance, f you have personal transportation, it’s feasible to drive further, but if you use public transportation, you may want childcare close to home.
Children’s Academy is conveniently located off Dixie Highway between I-264 and I-265. You can’t go wrong with our location!
Schedule: Daycare vs. Home Childcare
Children’s Academy is open Monday-Friday, 6:30 AM-6 PM, which provides reliable childcare every day of the week.
In contrast, home childcare can be less dependable because you must cover your own childcare if your provider falls ill or needs to answer a family emergency. While this is not to discredit the reliability of home childcare, there’s peace of mind knowing that Children’s Academy will always be available to take your child!
Availability: Daycare vs. Home Childcare
You can be hard-pressed to find childcare these days! However, daycares typically have more availability than home childcare options because home childcare options can only provide care for 12 children.
On the other hand, daycare classrooms have higher ratio allowances. This means you’re more likely to find available childcare in a daycare like Children’s Academy.
Cost: Daycare vs. Home Childcare
As you look at childcare, you’ll see a range of prices. In Kentucky, the average cost of childcare is $6,411 per year. Typically, infant care is more expensive than school-aged care because infants need more supervision than school-aged children.
While home childcare may not be able to accept financial assistance, Children’s Academy accepts Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and other forms of financial assistance. Contact our director to learn more!
So which is better, daycare or home childcare?
Ultimately, that decision is up to you. There isn’t a superior option because every family situation is different.
With a convenient location, affordable prices, better availability, and dependable childcare, Children’s Academy Childcare and Preschool should be at the top of your childcare list.
Children’s Academy Childcare and Preschool is proud to offer an outstanding curriculum that is educational, fun, and prepares your child for kindergarten per state educational standards.
If you’re looking to give your child a head start in school, contact Children’s Academy Childcare and Preschool today!